Girls Made of Glass and Snow Review
Plant not included in the box. I finished my first book of the year, and I hope it didn't set too high a standard for the rest of my 2018 reads. I obtained this book through the Whimsify book box that I tried out in September, and I had just been putting if off since then. Last week, however, I decided to pick it up and could not put it down once I'd started. Girls Made of Glass and Snow by Melissa Bashardoust wasn't perfect, but it was a surprisingly fun and addictive read that I rated 4 stars on Goodreads. The cover is so Instagram. The story is a retelling of the Snow White fairytale, but with a feminist twist. Instead of the usual trope of the evil step mother and innocent princess, Bashardoust applies the nuances of human existence to these well known characters. We see Mina, the "evil queen" character, grow from a teenage girl into a great queen. While Linet, the "Snow White" character, only knows Mina as a fully grown adult woman,...