2018 Goals For An Obstinate Headstrong Girl

This is me holding a book, as I often am.
As you may or may not notice, my last post on this blog was in August 2017. That was because of a few reasons. The main reason being that I did not have a focus or theme for my blog. I didn't know whether I should write book reviews, life updates, reading updates, political rants, life rants, you name it. Instead of trying to find a purpose for this blog, I just stopped updating it. Anyway, I've had quite a bit of time to reflect on what I want to write about, and I think I have a plan for An Obstinate Headstrong Girl 2018.

Goal Number 1: Update at least once a week.

This may not seem like a difficult goal, but it is to a procrastinator like myself. I'm planning on having a post up every Sunday, and maybe an extra post on Wednesdays every once in awhile. I plan on writing as many drafts as I can when I have free time so I can just press upload on Sundays and not worrying about what to write. Hopefully.

Goal Number 2: Review more books.

Of course I won't be able to review every book I read, but I will try to write a couple reviews a month. I really enjoy writing about books I've read, and I don't know why I haven't been doing it lately. I'll post a wrap-up every month with mini reviews of all the books I read. So, while I won't have an in depth review of every book, I will share some opinions on each read.

Goal Number 3: Have fun and be more creative.

I want to try and incorporate my life into this blog, but I don't have that many interesting things to write about. However if I force myself to bring my camera with me when I go out and try to do at least one fun/different activity every week, I think I will be able to share some great memories.

Those are my main goal for this blog in the new year, I think they're pretty feasible! I hope you all have a fantastic start to 2018!!!


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