It's Been Awhile....oops

Hello! It's been a while since my last post, hasn't it? I wish I could say that I've been incredibly busy working on a top secret project about which I cannot divulge any information, but I just got lazy. I don't even know what I've been up to since my last angsty political post, so I thought I'd just share something. So, what's happened in my life in the past few months? Do I even know? Is anything worth sharing? Let's find out.

I don't know if this is exciting, but I took up knitting. This is a
herringbone stitch cowl made out of far too expensive yarn.

Two weeks ago, I finished my first year of college. I literally have no idea how that happened so quickly, but I am one fourth of the way through acquiring undergraduate student debt. Hooray! I did not expect my second semester to fly by after London, but it did, and now it's over. I don't know what I expected the end of the year to feel like, but I expected more pizzazz. Maybe after all the pomp and circumstance of graduating high school ( hahaha pun intended, see Dad my liberal arts education is paying off) I was just used to celebration. There was no last big hurrah, celebration, uniting of the whole London gang, because most of us were just trickling out. One by one we packed up and left, saying our goodbyes, and then drove or flew away. After London, we all boarded a flight back to the US together. We were all exhausted from staying up all night and sad to be leaving, so there was much more camaraderie as we flew over the Atlantic.

Here we have a nice little staged shot of my normally very cluttered  study station.

Wow, I did not expect to write an entire paragraph about how anticlimactic the end of the year was. High school English teachers, if you're reading this, I still don't know how to write a short essay. Not even two literary courses and a writing intensive first year seminar have fixed that.

That's probably because I live in the music building, not the
English building. The English building is ugly. Yeah, I said it.

Now that I'm home, what have I done? I rearranged and cleaned my room, which was an ordeal. If you know me at all, you'll probably know that while I might appear to have a semblance of order in my life, once you go beyond my person and into my personal spaces (room, purse, closet, backpack), you'll know that I am just pure chaos. Anyway, my books now take up about 12 shelves, and my library is continuously growing. I've organized them my favorite way, by color. I like this way of organization because it looks nice on the outside, but I literally never know where a book I'm looking for might be hiding. I guess my bookshelves are like a metaphor for me. Speaking of books, I've finished five since I got home, and have already started two more. I'm probably going to be reviewing more books this summer, so I'll hold off on that right now seeing as I'm getting very rambly.

Look at all those books. Look at that purse on the
ground, that shouldn't be there. Not pictured is my
third bookshelf. I have a problem.

I feel like that was a lot of words for next to no information. Oh well, I hope there's something interesting in there for somebody. If you want to know more about specific things I've been up to at home or that I got up to at Skidmore, please comment below.

This is what I got up to at Skidmore. Handling lots of food
and cleaning lots of tables. Also, wearing ugly green hats.

Oh yeah, I'm also playing Nettie Fowler in Midcoast Youth Theatre's production of Carousel.

That's all folks,



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